Registered Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator (RSMT/E)
Early in 2021, I completed the registration process for ISMETA, the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association. I have completed over 1000 hours of somatic movement training since 1997. I am pleased to now provide individual and small group sessions.
Somatic movement invites a deep attention to the signals of the body. I have learned, and experienced, that sometimes our traumas and challenges get stuck in our body. Awareness while moving is an effective way of moving this information, of feeling the emotions in your body, and using imagery to create a new path. Not to mention creating new neural-pathways. Combining imagery, awareness, and movement is powerful medicine. Let's play together.
Stay tuned as I create this new practice. I intend to offer workshops of various lengths in addition to individual and small group sessions. I look forward to serving the community in a deeper way.

Workshops for the Public
I am very excited to begin offering Somatic Movement workshops. My intention is to develop a series of experiences to deepen your own awareness via imagery, awareness and movement. It's a powerful triune!! Check back in September as I settle into dates and times!